We love hearing about how our seeds are growing, but were particularly delighted to have an update from Joan Horwitt, who founded the Lawns 2 Lettuce 4 Lunch initiative in Arlington, Virginia. Joan writes: "We’ve had fun using the great variety of lettuce seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange for our school and community collaboration, LAWNS 2 LETTUCE 4 LUNCH. We’ve added a variety of SESE greens and garlic . . . and a great fall harvest of sweet potatoes."
She also shared a video from Arlington Public Schools on the Reevesland-Lawns 2 Lettuce 4 Lunch event at Ashlawn Elementary School last November and the recent AbundantCommunity article highlighting the addition of sweet potatoes to their program!
This mild winter gave me the opportunity to start cole crops early. We have had fresh salad greens all winter. About the first of January I started four tomato plants. They are about 5″ high now and will be ready for the hoop house next week. I’ll be eating fresh tomatoes before anyone else has even set theirs out. YIPPI!