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Southern Exposure Seed Exchange Newsletter

Our 2017 Catalog & Garden Guide,
arriving in mailboxes this month!

Explore our newly updated online store for new and returning varieties, as well as varieties newly available certified organic.

If you do not receive your catalog by New Year’s, please request your complimentary free copy online.

For 2017 we’re adding 20 varieties to our listings, as well as 3 books.

Zavory spice peppers

Zavory spice peppers are deliciously sweet, with the barest hint of heat.

Shows Okra

Family heirloom Shows Okra produces well on semi-dwarf plants.

Tankuro edamame

Tankuro edamame makes excellent eating in the shelly stage, and doubles as a black dry bean.

Planet Whizbang

Check out all the cool projects in The Planet Whizbang Idea Book for Gardeners.

Southern Provisions

Southern Provisions: The Creation & Revival of a Cuisine gives out an extraordinary perspective on the cultural heritage that has sustained Southerners for generations.

Will Bonsall

Will Bonsall, pioneer of the modern Seed Savers movement, brings us Will Bonsall’s Essential Guide to Radical, Self-Reliant Gardening. Will maintains an extraordinary variety of heirlooms and does on-farm plant-based vegan soil-building.

Donald Todd Half-Runner Beans

Donald Todd Half-Runner beans have tender pods like old-time half-runner beans.

Coral Sorghum

Coral sorghum, from South Sudan, yields sweet syrup and versatile grain.

More varieties will become available around the end of the month when we receive their organic certification paperwork. Look for exciting crops like Carolina African Runner peanuts, Sunn Hemp, and Geranium Kiss tomatoes.

Rainbow Starter's Mix

Give the gift that keeps growing (and support local agriculture) with our seed collections, including:

30% of sales from these two collections goes to the Piedmont Environmental Council.

plan your garden with the folks at SESE

Map your garden throughout the year, organize crop rotations, and stick to the plan with twice-a-month email planting reminders. Try the Garden Planner free for one week.

Upcoming Events

We donate 10% of winter event sales to the Organic Seed Alliance (OSA), a powerful force promoting sustainable, organic seeds.

Check our events calendar to find us throughout the year.

Virginia Biological Farming Conference
January 9–11 • Hot Springs, VA

Southern SAWG's Sustainable Ag Conference
January 25–30 • Lexington, KY

PASA Farming for the Future Conference
February 1–4 • State College, PA pasafarming.org

Georgia Organics
February 17–18 • Atlanta, GA

Mother Earth News Fair
February 18–19 • Belton, TX motherearthnewsfair.com



Please Contact Us at gardens@southernexposure.com with questions, concerns, and garden photos!

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
P.O. Box 460, Mineral, VA 23117
Phone: 540-894-9480 Fax: 540-894-9481