Join or Support the Collard Community Seed Selection Project by purchasing Utopian Ultracross collard seeds
We are offering the opportunity to purchase the Utopian Seed Project's Utopian Ultracross collard seeds, a non-stable outcrossing of 21 heirloom collards that will give you the option to join this newest Community Seed Selection (CSS) project.
50% of all packet sales go straight to supporting the work of The Utopian Seed Project, a crop trialing non-profit based in western North Carolina.
The project's objective is to save seeds from the most cold tolerant and tasty collards while preserving a wide diversity of types and colors. You can also save seeds based on your own selection criteria, or not save seeds and simply enjoy the unknown wonders that these seeds contain!
Note: the project's goal is to seek cold-tolerant, tasty collards. We are already one year into that selection, but given the broad cross-pollination of this seed mix we are likely to experience a WIDE range of traits and outcomes (some good, some maybe not so good!). It will be a beautiful adventure.
Once you've purchased a packet of seeds, we'll be in touch to see if you want to participate in the Collard CSS Project. If you're interested in learning more, check out the already-established Whidby White Okra CSS Project (Community Seed Selection Projects Facebook Group, YouTube Playlist and Website). There will be similar videos and support for this new Collard CSS Project.
Order your seeds now to have time to grow your collard plants for the over-wintering trial and to enjoy fall-winter harvests! Plants sown now through early fall will be ready for seed harvest next year in late spring.
Read on for more information about the Collard CSS project:
In 2020 The Utopian Seed Project (Asheville, NC) along with 8 other trial sites (including Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (SESE)) grew 20 collard varieties as part of a nationwide collard trial for The Heirloom Collard Project. The Utopian Seed Project also grew Lottie Collard bringing the heirloom total to 21. During the winter of 2020 the collards survived lows of 8°F and in spring/summer of 2021 seeds were saved from the surviving plants. Given the obligate outcrossing nature of Brassica oleracea and the randomized two block design of the trial, we can be assured that there was a high degree of inter-variety cross pollination. These seeds represent massive genetic diversity, firstly because the original heirloom collards are genetically diverse, and secondly because they've cross pollinated with each other. Collard grower and Heirloom Collard participant, Melony Edwards, described them as an ultracross: this is not a technical term, but captures the spirit of these collards!
A CSS project allows a wide group of people to come together and grow a crop with a shared seed selection goal. The Utopian Seed Project, with support from SESE, will provide guidance and education for the process of selective seed saving. Our objective is to save seeds from the most cold tolerant and tasty collards while preserving a wide diversity of types and colors. You can also save seeds based on your own selection criteria, or not save seeds and simply enjoy the unknown wonders that these seeds contain!
Purchase your Utopian Ultracross collard today to join this community seed saving project!